PHASE – ADA 23-25

Protection and Health Assistance in Emergencies for Vulnerable Girl...

Donor Caritas Austria with funding from the Austrian Development Cooperation (ADA)
Budget 1,300,000 EUR
Duration December 2023 - April 2025
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LEA: Eradication of All forms of forced labor and exploitation in Lebanon

  • Migrant Workers Communities
  • Migrant Domestic Workers...

Donor Funded by the European Union & the Austrian Development Cooperation, implemented by Caritas Austria, Caritas Lebanon, Kafa & Amel
Budget N/A
Duration January 2024 - December 2026
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C.E.I. 260/2018: Restoring Dignity and hope of women migrant domestic workers in Lebanon through ‎vocational trainings

Donor Conference Episcopale Italiana
Budget N/A
Duration N/A
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Enhancing the Well-being of Foreign Detainees at Lebanon’s Retention Center: A Focus on Protection and ‎Care

Donor Catholic Relief Services ‎
Budget N/A
Duration N/A
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Day Care for Children of Refugees and Migrants in Lebanon

Donor Caritas Austria
Budget N/A
Duration N/A
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Access to Protection and Livelihoods Opportunities for Women at Risk in Lebanon – DKMFA 2023-2025‎

Donor Caritas Denmark- Ministry of Foreign Affairs ‎
Budget N/A
Duration N/A
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IOM-CARE project

Donor International Organization for Migration
Budget N/A
Duration N/A
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CWD 2023-2024‎

Donor Catholic Relief Services
Budget N/A
Duration N/A
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Community Policing in Lebanon ‎

Budget N/A
Duration N/A
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